"What influences and inspires you?
Joan of Arc, Balthus, Jean Michael-Basquiat, Anna Bjerger, Pauline Boty, Charlotte & Emily Bronte, Dolly & Jemima Brown, Lewis Carroll, Dawn Clements, Matt Collishaw, The Cramps, John Currin, Charles Dickens, Oriana Fox, Katy Jane Garside, Tracey Emin, Tanya Fairey, Rachel Feinstein, PJ Harvey, Sigrid Holmwood, Paul Housley, Chantal Joffe, Brad Kahlhamner, Frida Kahlo, Alex Katz, Martin Kippenberger, Dietmar Lutz, Sarah Lucas, Alex Gene Morrison, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Pat O’Connor, Sylvia Plath, Elizabeth Peyton, The Shaggs, The Raincoats, Edie Sedgewick, Le Tigre, Luc Tuymans, Sophie Von Hellermann, Francis Upritchard, Andy Warhol."
Stella Vine

Joan of Arc, Balthus, Jean Michael-Basquiat, Anna Bjerger, Pauline Boty, Charlotte & Emily Bronte, Dolly & Jemima Brown, Lewis Carroll, Dawn Clements, Matt Collishaw, The Cramps, John Currin, Charles Dickens, Oriana Fox, Katy Jane Garside, Tracey Emin, Tanya Fairey, Rachel Feinstein, PJ Harvey, Sigrid Holmwood, Paul Housley, Chantal Joffe, Brad Kahlhamner, Frida Kahlo, Alex Katz, Martin Kippenberger, Dietmar Lutz, Sarah Lucas, Alex Gene Morrison, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Pat O’Connor, Sylvia Plath, Elizabeth Peyton, The Shaggs, The Raincoats, Edie Sedgewick, Le Tigre, Luc Tuymans, Sophie Von Hellermann, Francis Upritchard, Andy Warhol."
Stella Vine

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